The primary professional aim of Art Market Budapest is the furtherance of recognition and advancement of art and the art market of Central and Eastern Europe, and the raising of internal and external awareness about the amazing richness of art in the region. Art Market Budapest builds on the ingredients of established international art fairs that have proven to be effective throughout many decades and it adapts them to the Hungarian and Central European circumstances. The event is organized in such a way that it will enable international and local audiences to find the most suitable and entertaining forms of enjoying art.
You can see and buy pictures from Nora Soos by:
Gallery Mucius
Galerie Gaudens Pedit, Austria
27-30.okt. 2011
Millenáris ’B’ Épület,
1023 Budapest, Kis Rókus utca
open: Th: 10-22, Fr-Sat-San: 10-19 h